Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Driftwood: Unsinkable

About a month ago I bought a large chunk of driftwood. Even screwed into a marble base, it was too bulky to sink. I soaked it for a month, boiled it for a few hours, but it still wouldn't sink. The piece is solid all the way through, and I probably could have soaked the thing for a year and it would still float.

I didn't want to take it off its base and screw it to a heavier piece of slate as I had no guarantee that would add sufficient enough bottom weight. I also didn't want to drill for fear of splintering the wood.

I got seven pieces of slate and simply layered them across the marble base once I held the wood down in the tank. Not only does this securely anchor the driftwood piece, as you can see it looks great. More natural.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Updated and higher resolution nano reef video

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Youtube video of my ten gallon nano reef

The Nano Reef: Your First Saltwater Aquarium

You Too Can Keep a Beautiful Saltwater Reef Tank for Less than $300.

Dear fish keeper,

How many times have you dreamed about having a saltwater aquarium?

Let me tell you my story.

I've been keeping freshwater tropical fish for years. Every time I'd visit a fish store, I'd wander into the saltwater section and examine every tank, look at every bright fish and piece of coral.

I wish I had the money and know-how to start a saltwater tank, I'd think.

So-called authoritative books on saltwater keeping further compounded my belief the marine hobby was out of my league. I didn't have the money for the large 55 gallon tank they recommended for beginners, not to mention all the expensive equipment that comes along with a tank of that size.

Turns out everything I read and had been led to think was dead wrong!

Click here to read more.