Monday, September 18, 2006

Red Eye Puffers

Here are the first couple shots of my puffer pair.

Above is the female.

And the ultaviolent, bastard little male.

They look different but are the same species.

And a shot of their ten gallon tank. Five glowlight tetras are in there too to hopefully distract the more aggressive male from tearing up the female. The majority of plants are plastic hanging vines made for arrangements I bought from Michael's craft store. These should hopefully provide enough cover and break up the line of sight for the puffers to coexist.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Puffer fish

Finally, my local fish store notified me that they expect to get in a shipment of red eye puffers today. I've been looking for these rare freshwater puffers for some time now and am looking forward to picking up a male and female pair.

Carinotetraodon irrubesco is the scientific name of these fish and they are one of the few true freshwater puffers available in the hobby. Unlike other puffer fish, as far as I am aware of at least, there is little controversy and discussion about their salinity levels.

Hopefully I'll have some pictures soon.