Saturday, March 03, 2007

Caveat Emptor

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in...

The ray tank has clouded up again and ammonia levels are measuring, 8 days after I used Sera Toxivec to control the nitrite appearance. Water started to cloud two days ago and ammonia only appeared yesterday.

There are two causes that I can ascertain:

1. Overfeeding and slacking on bi-weekly and often tri-weekly 20-25% water changes.
2. Toxivec reset the nitrogen cycle back to zero, or close to it, or simply just set it back.

The good news is the ray is in the best shape he's ever been in. Highly active, exhibiting good coloration, and no sign of red gills or gasping at the surface. Another bit of good news (at least for now) is the pH has leveled out a little about 6.0, which makes ammonia much less toxic than it would be at a higher pH. An ammonia reading of 1.0 ppm at 6.2 pH would not be as bad as the same reading at an 8.1 pH, which would most likely be lethal.

The flipside of that coin is nitrite is more harmful at lower pH.

My tapwater fluctuates somewhat in pH. Right now it's at 6.6. My other freshwater tanks are all at neutral, exactly 7.0. I don't know if the ray tank is unstable in pH or if it's a side effect of toxivec.

Bottom line: I need to get some Biospira and I need to get it fast.

- Josh


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