Monday, January 22, 2007

180 gallons of tank

I ordered my super tank I've been planning and dreaming about in one way or another for two years.

Originally I was sold on the 155 gallon bow front, but a local retailer gave me a much better deal on a larger 180 gallon tank. It's standard, and several inches higher (something I was trying to avoid), but I couldn't pass up on the 25 extra gallons.

A standard 180 gallon tank is 24 x 24 x 72 ". I opted out on the canopy but am buying the stand and hood.

The occupant will be one freshwater p. motoro ray.

In other news, I continue to feed the mandarin the new processed roe (includes MSG). I've been doing this for several weeks and nothing in the tank is showing any adverse effects. And I'm very confident that fresh roe is always a good thing, as the mandarin appears constantly sated as opposed to slightly thin as he looked when I was using the last of the old roe. So if your fish is eating roe, scrap the last of it at the bottom; it's mostly water and dye.

- Josh


Blogger Mrs T said...

Why does it not surprise me that Josh Day has a blog? Several even. You must be doing well to be able to afford such an expensive hobby. S'up? Do tell.

Deb Templeton

4:57 PM  

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