Sunday, May 23, 2010


BP keeps shitting on the situation and playing spin and cover-up. They know they can't do jack shit and instead they piss on a fire already burning a building down, from high pressure hoses a safe distance away. Our federal govt does nothing while the moron son of Dr. Ron Paul comes to BP's defense, and that's the coverage the media focuses on over the weekend.

Good news, I guess, is this personally has woken me up to the dangers of an undiluted libertarian platform. After all, the age of Dickens was the highpoint of the libertarian economic philosophy, with total "free-market business." And the gilded age of the United States was also an excellent example of Ayn Rand's sophomoric bullshit put into play.

Boycott BP petrol (gasoline for palin lovers, if any of my readers subscribe to that moron). Boycott their subsidiaries and products: Castrol, Arco, Aral, am/pm, Amoco, and Wild Bean Cafe.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Oil spill

The BP oil "spill" in the gulf of Mexico makes the Exxon-Valdex tanker rupture look like a premature ejaculation. Yet the media doesn't even pay half as much attention as they did to Michael Jackson's funeral.

The only real organized interstate boycott of BP is going on via facebook. Around 50 K members.

I joined and did something I never did before on facebook. I suggested the very reasonable boycott page. Not a single facebook "friend" joined.

Looks like I'm playing for the wrong team.