Monday, September 12, 2005

Attack of bristle worms

I lost one of my sexy shrimp the other day for the reef vase during a molt. A bristle worm attacked the shrimp and began to eat it from the inside-out while it was trying to breek free from its old skeleton. The worm, other shrimp, and crab made short order of the body; which was good cause i had no desire to take out all the rock to get it.

Bought the last two shrimp at the store, bringing the total to 3 now in the vase. Fed some mysis today and noticed two bristle worms on the glass when I turned off the powerhead. Not good. I'm going to feed twice a week now, and hopefully that will keep the worms away when the shrimp molt.

There are probably a hundred small cerith snails in the main nano. I added one to the vase just for kicks.

The GSP is almost fully back to its old self--however, the zoanthids are still looking rough. The increased current is helping but not as much as I'd like. I really don't know why they are floundering when the GSP and mushrooms are thriving.

- Josh


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