Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Victory over Stupidity and Hatred

Hell yeah.

First thing's fist. I owe my wife some money. Our Obama signs were not stolen nor messed with.

Obama's victory is a victory over ignorance, anti-intellectualism, racism, christofascism, and reagonomics -- a reverse robin hood economic theory that if it would continue would ultimately create two classes, destroying the middle class and pushing everyone who's not in the wealthy 1% into an industrial age poverty. Overwhelmingly Americans rejected Joe the Plumber's lame, watered-down bullshit and lies about his "small business" and how Obama would crush him financially. His rhetoric about "wealth redistribution" and socialism was like listening to a creationist rant about fossils and carbon-dating... or a southern Baptist lambast the Chronicles of Narnia for being satanic.

You know what? Fuck you, Joe. Fuck you and fuck Palin's paradigm, "Joe Sixpack." Hope both you guys enjoyed your fifteen minutes. And Joe the non-licensed plumber, enjoy the extra attention from the IRS for the rest of your life.

Goes for you too, Sarah Palin. You're a joke but you'll never be funny, even when VH1 has washed-up celebs mocking you on a 2008 I love the... series.

Unfortunately, unlike the two Joes, this nasty diva will be around. I hope the freepers and born-agains rally around her and put her up as their new political demigod. She'll burn out faster than Huckabee... hell, Gary Bauer would stand a better chance.

As for me, I'll be enjoying my tax relief under President Obama, along with the pride of America having a president who's not a stuttering, warmongering, sociopathic moron.

My generation will now have a Jack Kennedy.

As for the haters -- Kennedy had them too. And look where they are now. A margin in history, a grease smear on a tissue under a landfill.

As soon will be Sarah Palin, her KKK rallies and jesus-fisting supporters, and Ashley Todd, the "college Republican" who carved a backwards B into her face and made up a story about a scary black dude who assaulted her for Obama.

- Josh

PS -- Oh, I got a seahorse, a small female H. Reidi. Turned one of my ten gallon freshwater tanks into saltwater. She has her own dedicated system. It's really beautiful and I'll post pictures soon -- no more politics, at least for the time being.


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