Wednesday, June 25, 2008

HITH improving

The oscar's hole in the head (actually just erosion of the lateral line) is improving, I'm happy to report.

The first couple days I saw no benefit with the Vitamin C powder. In fact, the holes got bigger and a smaller one began to develop further down one line.

I did an ammonia test and learned I had a reading of .25 ppm.

This was caused by a massive water change with water not fully conditioned that went straight into my two aquaclears, decimating the filter bed.

I laid off feeding for a day and then added fresh minced garlic to the pellets soaked in vitamin c powder. I also fed an earthworm and bloodworms.

Yesterday the special oscar food I had ordered arrived, HBH Oscar Show. I fed some of these new pellets along with bloodworms, soaked in garlic and vitamin c, and an earthworm.

Today the hith is visibly better. The holes are still there but not so gaping and appear to be healing.

The combination treatment of garlic, vitamin c, and earthworms seems to be doing the trick.

It's impossible to say which factor is helping the most, though.



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