Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Brittle starfish photos

Been a while.

I recently purchased a brittle star for my nano. This guy is cooler than words. A brittle is the fastest of the aquarium starfish, and they are great members of your cleanup crew. I supplement my star's diet of detritus with sundried baby shrimp, stuck to a wooden skewer and plaved near one of its waving tentacles.

This morning I euth'ed a neon tetra with neon disease. First casualty from the ich tank in a long, long time. That drops me to 8 neons and cardinals, 3 black neons, 2 glowlights, 1 hatchetfish, 1 rainbowfish, 1 oto, and 5 loaches. Full house, huh?

- Josh


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