Monday, February 21, 2005

Day 3, still no visible signs

No cysts have broken out on any fish yet. But again, this doesn't really mean anything.

However, I've witnessed some ich-like behavior in a few of the cardinals and neons. They glance against java moos and other leaves. Glancing, or flashing, is when a fish rams its body along a hard surface to scratch. This is a sign of ich.

I expect to see an outbreak tomorrow.

My next step will be tracking down a bottle of Stop Parasites by Chem-Marin. It's a natural substance designed to be used in reef tanks to combat protozoan, but people have reported success with freshwater ich too. I called one store already and they don't carry it, and the other store that will most likely have it is closed today.

I'll call around tomorrow and if I can't locate it in Asheville, I'll have to order it online and get it sent next-day... could be a thirty dollar hassle.

I hate to begin this blog with so much doom and gloom but that's just part of the hobby. It can be very frustrating at times, especially when you have so many problems time after time. On a positive, note, though my fancy guppy fry is doing well and growing rapidly. They are starting to show some of their fancy colors too. And my planted vase still looks great. Plants are flourishing and the fish and shrimp look great. The white clouds are showing the best color I've ever seen in a white cloud minnow.

Here are some more pics of my troubled planted tank. I took these the night before I had to remove the gourami. Everything still looks pretty much as it is in the pics (56 k warning) and I hope it'll stay that way.

That's the powder blue gourami in the upperlefthand corner.

Josh Day


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